The Sycamore CrossFit blog

Change Up Your Boring Exercise Routine

How do people stick with an exercise routine? They enjoy it! Is your exercise routine boring? Do you feel like you’re just doing the same…

Meet the Coach – Eric

Coach Eric is our head coach at Sycamore CrossFit. He has been a coach with us since October 2015. When/how did your health and fitness…

7 Tips for Surviving Holiday Parties

Those cookies look good, don’t you think? I want to eat one while I’m writing this. Temptation. It’s really tough. It’s almost impossible to overcome….

Athlete Spotlight – Nate J.

Why did you choose Sycamore CrossFit? Why do you keep coming back? I chose Sycamore CrossFit because I needed something new in my workouts. Over…

Am I strong enough?

When people want to join Sycamore CrossFit, they start with a Free Intro. This is a meeting where we find out about your goals, and…

Should You Be Counting Macros?

So you hear about these three little things called “macros” by surfing the web, social media, or even from someone in your social circle. Macronutrients…

Athlete Spotlight – Michelle D.

Why did you choose Sycamore CrossFit? I was 49 years old and feeling desperate. My body shape was heading in a direction I disliked. It…

Is it safe yet?

There is a question we know a lot of people are asking themselves about going back to the gym – is it safe?  There is…

Get Off the Damn Scale!

Do you weigh yourself constantly? Is it frustrating? Does it feel like you never make any progress? Maybe it’s time for a new progress measure…

5 Secrets to Fitting Workouts into Your Busy Schedule

Life is crazy! It can get so busy and hectic, and you can end up feeling like you just can’t add one more thing to…

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