The Sycamore CrossFit blog

Tips for Fall Health & Fitness

We’ve found clients usually like to refocus on their goals as summer draws to a close. Something about the season change always motivates people to…

Eat More Fish

I grew up in the Midwest. We were a meat and potatoes kind of family. Trust me, I get it. But it’s time to branch…

Athlete Spotlight – Alexis L.

Why did you choose Sycamore CrossFit? Why do you keep coming back? I was ready to be back in an environment where I could work…

One way to improve mindfulness while eating

One Easy Way to Improve Mindfulness While Eating The topic of mindfulness is being discussed more frequently in regards to so many aspects of our…

My Kids Are Watching

At Sycamore CrossFit, we talk a lot about your why.  Why do you want to lose weight? Why do you want to get into shape? Why did…

Introducing: Sycamore Sport Performance

We are thrilled to announce our newest program at Sycamore CrossFit: Sycamore Sport Performance This program is run by our very own Coach Tony, who…

4 Reasons to Build Muscle

Why are people interested in building muscle? Besides the aesthetic reasons, there are some really great benefits to building muscle. Here are four of our…

My teen needs an activity

It isn’t a secret. Teenagers are bored right now. They’re beyond bored. School is on a computer. They’re not as active as they used to…

Parenting Is Hard Right Now

Parenting is hard right now. Between remote learning, lack of activities, kids who feel cooped up, and a lack of support/”village,” it is nearly impossible….

Athlete Spotlight – Craig W.

Why did you choose Sycamore CrossFit? Why do you keep coming back? I chose Sycamore CrossFit because it was convenient and I needed a different…

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