The Sycamore CrossFit blog

Have You Met the Switch Witch?

Ghouls, Goblins, and Monsters all sweep the streets on the last night of October. You prep your kiddos to be scary, cute, fun and cool…

5 Tips for Surviving the Grocery Store

Cooking healthy and nutritious meals at home and avoiding going out to eat is an important way to keep your diet healthy. You have more…

Athlete Spotlight – Lynne J.

Why did you choose Sycamore CrossFit? Why do you keep coming back? I chose Sycamore CrossFit because I get a great workout every time I…

Pumpkin Protein Pancakes

It’s pumpkin season again! And these pancakes are just what you need to keep you on track and indulge in a yummy nutritional fall breakfast!…

Turning the Dial

What does it look like when things are DIALED IN? When things are considered to be “dialed in” your life flows well, you feel good…

I didn’t get a PR

There are some days when you see the workout and get excited. You just know you’re going to get a PR (personal record). Last week,…

5 Habits of Highly Successful Nutrition Clients

We love seeing our nutrition clients succeed! In fact, we have found that some of our most successful nutrition clients maintain 5 specific habits.  By…

Why personal training is gaining popularity

We’ve started to notice something about a lot of our newer clients. They aren’t all coming in for group classes. A lot of them are…

Athlete Spotlight – Emily K.

Why did you choose Sycamore CrossFit? Why do you keep coming back? CrossFit was something I’d considering trying for the past few years, but leaving…

Buddha Bowl

Servings: 4 Ingredients 1.5 cups brown rice cooked 1 head broccoli chopped 2 sweet potatoes medium 1 tbs. olive oil 1/4 tsp. sea salt 1/4 tsp. paprika 1/4 tsp. black pepper 1/4 tsp. garlic powder 1/2 cup frozen edamame 1/2 cup purple cabbage sliced thin 1 tbs. Tahini Power Sauce (see…

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