The Sycamore CrossFit blog

Why Bodyweight and Running Fall Short

Bodyweight workouts are great for short-term gains. Think Beachbody. However, what they won’t do is give you long-term gains or long-term muscle growth (a significant…

Athlete Spotlight – Jennifer B.

Why did you choose Sycamore CrossFit? Why do you keep coming back? I was telling a friend that I was searching for a new gym…

Hindsight is 2020

“Hindsight is 2020.” What a year for that phrase. I’ve been seeing a lot of memes and posts on social media about 2020, and the…

3 Signs You are Following a FAD Diet

If you scroll through social media, you are bound to see hundreds or even thousands of posts about FAD diets, juice cleanses, detox teas and…

Athlete Spotlight – Tyler G.

Why did you choose Sycamore CrossFit? Why do you keep coming back? I was going to my old gym 5 days a week, until COVID…

4 Tips for a Healthy Holiday

‘Tis the season for family, festivity, and food—lots of food. Temptations are everywhere, and parties and travel disrupt daily routines. What’s more, it goes on…

Holiday Shopping!

The holidays are here!! If you still have some shopping to do, you can still order Sycamore CrossFit SWAGG, including our holiday shirt! Order by…

Athlete Spotlight – Deanna D.

Why did you choose Sycamore CrossFit? Why do you keep coming back? I was looking to challenge myself more. I missed having the level of…

Protein Buckeyes

This little twist on one of our favorite Christmas cookie recipes makes the perfect little indulgence this holiday season! Ingredients 2/3 C (174g) Creamy Peanut…

Sugar is EVERYWHERE during the Holidays

There’s no doubt the holiday season is THE HARDEST time to eat nutritious food and make smart choices. Office parties, family get-togethers, and our sweet…

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