Will my teen athlete lose their edge over the summer?

Have you ever heard of the summer slide?

in school, students always have a little bit of learning loss over the summer. They’ve taken a long break from school, so they come back remembering a little less and needing to “knock the rust off” so to speak. Things like reading books over the summer can be a big help with this and often prevent much of this learning loss.

But what about in athletics? Athletes can absolutely have a loss of athleticism and performance if they don’t continue training over the summer. That training doesn’t have to be in their sport, but it can give your child a huge leg up if they’ve been getting stronger and faster over the summer.

Why is fitness & conditioning important for young athletes?

Fitness is vital for the long-term development and well-being of young athletes. Even if they don’t want to become a professional athlete, improving fitness and condition will give them more energy, a better quality of life, and better results now.

Training also brings out talent. Your child might be extremely talented in their sport, but being stronger and faster will always make them even better.

Sycamore Sport Performance aims to improve: 

  • Speed
  • Stamina
  • Resistance to injury
  • Core strength

Not only can you improve your teen’s athletic development, but you can also instill in them the importance of living a healthy lifestyle long after they’re done playing sports.

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