Why did you choose Sycamore CrossFit? Why do you keep coming back?
I got into CrossFit thanks to a previous co-worker. I was pretty unhappy with my physical well-being and was looking for a way to make new friends when I moved here.
What’s your best story about the gym?
For me that’s easy. I met my wife (Coach Hannah) at the gym. We eventually got engaged at the gym
What advice would you give to the person you were a year ago?
The gym will end up meaning something different to everyone. Some use it for the social aspect. Some use it to become the most fit versions of themselves. Find what makes you most happy and enjoy the ride and enjoy the fitness.
What accomplishment at the gym or in your nutrition are you the most proud of?
Just my general understanding of health and what my body can do. It’s about setting a good example for our daughter.