3 Myths About Plant Based Diets

Plant-based diets have become wildly popular. This means a ton of new products and a flood of information about them. We know that this can leave you feeling overwhelmed and confused about this diet.

We are here to help! Let’s review 3 myths about plant based diets and provide some educational information you know you can trust!

Myth #1 Eating “plant-based” means that you follow a vegan or vegetarian diet

Plant-based eating means prioritizing whole plant foods in your diet. It doesn’t mean that you need to follow a strict vegan or vegetarian eating pattern, or eliminate any food group all together. There is more than one way to adopt a more plant-based style of eating, but the key is to include more vegetables, fruit, whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes and plant- derived fats.

Myth #2 It is difficult to meet protein needs on a plant-based diet

Prioritizing whole plan foods doesn’t mean you aren’t going to get enough protein. Protein is found in almost all plant-based foods and when consuming a balanced diet protein intake should be more than adequate. Include plant-based foods such as beans, legumes, nut butters, soy milk, tofu, tempeh, nuts and seeds to up your protein intake.

Myth #3 All plant-based foods are healthy

Just because something is labeled “plant-based” doesn’t mean it’s automatically healthy. There are vegan or vegetarian versions of almost everything these days, but that doesn’t mean that they are a good option (oreos are vegan). The best strategy to eat healthy on a plant-based diet is to focus more on whole foods. A healthy plant-based diet is one that is both balanced and diverse. Ideally, it should be high in whole foods and limited in processed foods.

Are you struggling to navigate all the confusion about plant-based diets? We can help!

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