About the coach.
When/how did your health and fitness journey begin?
I ran track and cross country from childhood all throughout college during my undergrad. Being in a sport, I never had to think much about working out because it was so ingrained in my daily life and you are always told what to do and when to do it. Two years ago, I graduated college and no longer had someone telling me what to do. Not only did I miss competing and working out with my friends every day, but I also quickly learned that you (and only you) are responsible for making your health and fitness a priority. If you don’t do it, you’ll feel the consequences.
When did you first start coming to Sycamore CrossFit?
I moved to Sycamore in August of 2019 when I started law school at NIU. I had previously done CrossFit in my hometown during my summer breaks from school so I decided to check out SCF. I knew from the moment I walked in I was going to love it here.
Why did you want to be part of the SCF Team?
SCF is one big family. From the members to the staff. Everyone knows each other’s names and truly care about each other on a personal level. When it was mentioned to me that SCF needed someone to help run social media, I quickly volunteered myself.
What do you do at Sycamore CrossFit?
I help run any and all forms of social media that we have, help create the graphics you see on our posts, and anything else that relates to SCF’s social presence.
What is your favorite thing about SCF?
Like I was saying earlier, when I graduated college and was no longer in a sport. I missed competing and that team feeling. SCF gives me both of those. You get really close to the coaches and the members at SCF like they really are your team. But I would say my favorite part is how well the coaches get to know you individually. For example, the classes I go to are usually coached by Coach Eric and he knows and cares so much about his athletes. He can tell me how much weight I need for a specific movement or what modification I should make for a certain workout right off the top of his head. It is really cool to have someone who cares so much, and all the coaches at SCF are this way.
What is your favorite memory at Sycamore CrossFit?
I would say when I had my first RX workout. I’ve done CrossFit off and on for about 5 years, and I’ve never been able to do a workout RX unless it was pure cardio and no weights. Then, a few months ago I did! The first time I was able to complete the workout with the prescribed weights was a really good feeling.