Every year millions of people start their weight loss journey which inevitably ends with either getting frustrated seeing no progress OR they lose weight fast to gain it right back! Why does this happen?
Keep reading to find out the top 3 reasons your diet failed you.
Reason #1: Your diet is TOO RESTRICTIVE!
A study from the National Institutes of Health regarding restricting sugar from the diet states, “Many people try to lose weight by periodically forbidding themselves from eating certain foods.
But depriving yourself of tasty food can backfire…It can activate the brain’s stress system, causing anxiety and withdrawal-like symptoms, and leading you to overeat the forbidden foods when you get a chance.”
Reason #2 your diet fails: INCONSISTENCY!
A study published back in 2017 on PubMed suggests that while there is still much debate regarding the optimal weight loss diet, evidence suggests that adherence to a diet, regardless of the type of diet, is an important factor in finding success.
In other words, reason number 1, highly restrictive diets is leading to reason #2, inconsistency. Remember, this tells us that adherence is strongly associated with weight loss success over the short and long term!
Reason #3: You try to do it alone
Wanting to lose weight, or change your body in any way is very emotional and intimate. Oftentimes, this leads us to starting our journey without ever sharing with our friends and family due to the fear of failure. But, our emotions, stress levels, energy levels, relationships, and so much more all directly relate to our consumption! Did you now studies show that those who have more support lose more weight and further, keep it off more than those who don’t have a support system in place?
So what should you do with this information?
- Quit looking for things you can take out of your diet and start looking for things to add such as water, veggies, or lean proteins!
- Find a balanced approach that you can stick with! Adherence plays a HUGE role in our success!
- Tell your support system about your goals and more importantly the WHYS behind it!
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