Sycamore CrossFit’s vision is to help improve our community’s health, happiness, and fitness, through professional and fun coaching
Competition helps with the improved fitness part: pressure to perform pushes you to train a little harder; the social boost of fellow classmates cheering for you will help you reach a higher level of intensity and results. Even watching your classmates GO is inspiring.
Every year, CrossFit HQ runs an event called “The CrossFit Open” As always, we take the idea and make it our own. In previous years we called this Friday Night Lights, this year we are doing something different given our current safety climate. We are not interested in finding out how fast you can exercise against 400,000 other people worldwide. We ARE interested in helping you push to a new level in your fitness journey, level up your life, and get a bunch of air high fives/fist bumps from your Sycamore CrossFit community!
Can we bring the worldwide thrill home? Can we deliver all the fun of the competition without causing anxiety? We think so!
The Sycamore CrossFit Open is our annual tradition of celebrating our fitness!
This is how it works!
We will divide you up into three teams, each with a Team Captain, a Co-Coach Captain, and a funny name. Previous names have been “Not a Regular Mom but a Cool Mom” and “All Pain, No Gain” You can earn points for your team by participating, winning an event, and showing the most spirit during the events. After four weeks of intense, novel workouts, we will reveal the Mystery Event Five.
Coach Captains are Nate Nichols, Hannah Studebaker, and Tony Seabase
How will our draft happen?
On Draft Day, you will be invited to watch your name be pulled from a hat. We will start with those who sign up for the draft as a competitor. Then we will pull from a hat anyone who signs up but does not want the anxiety of competition but loves the fun.
Yep, we chose the Fun bunch to the captain, not our traditional top exercisers. We want to get 100% participation this year.
Our fun captains will begin recruiting post-draft to build the biggest teams!
Registration – We Draft Everyone Who Registers
+1 Point – Attendance: every member of a team that completes an Open workout each week earns one point. Maximum one point per athlete per workout.
+1 Point – Top 3: every male and female member who places among the top 3 at Sycamore CrossFit for each workout gets an extra point for their team.
+5 Points (team) – Spirit: The Team with the most noise, pride, and presence on social media each week will receive 5 bonus points.
+5 Points (bonus) – 5th workout: Those details will be available soon.
Other challenge points will be available throughout the challenge.
In 2021, our Sycamore CrossFit 2021 Open will have 4 workouts; with a BONUS event planned, which may take place during the 4th week or after the last week.
We are planning to be open – some restrictions will continue in line with health safety measures in Illinois. We will complete the OPEN workouts during Group Class time on Fridays. Reserve your spot and show up on Friday to participate. Your membership gets you into the event (they are just like regular workouts, but more potentially more challenging and fun) The fourth or sixth week will be a freebie for anyone registered on any Sycamore CrossFit 2021 Open team.
For some of our members, the open is an annual measuring stick to test their improvements in fitness.
Our programming will make a slight shift for the next six weeks to get you READY for the demands of the five-week competition! You may have noticed some of the changes already!
We are working on specialty programs available for those who want to improve one or two specific skills, also. In the meantime, if you are dying to get your first toes-to-bar, or link your pull-ups, or nail double unders efficiently, tell your coach and book an athlete check-in! We will help you set up some 1:1 time!
We will have some random draws each week for prizes.
We will have a fun end of comp grand prize for the team with the most points.
Our focus is on FUN!!! We want you to participate because it will make you fitter, it is one of the most fun times of the year, and we want to celebrate all the hard work you put into the gym every day!