They can be incredibly helpful.
They can help us exercise regularly. They can help us eat more healthy and nutritious meals.
But when COVID-19 hit, it destroyed most of our routines.
Even if your job didn’t change much, everything outside of work likely did.
No school. No restaurants. No bars. No normal.
But that’s all about to change again.
Many parents are about to send their kids back to school, even if it won’t be 5 days a week. They need to get back into some semblance a normal routine for their own sanity.
Exercise can be incredibly helpful in managing stress, improving mental health, and, of course, improving your overall health. So why not make regular exercise part of your routine?
While you’re at it, is it time to clean up your nutrition?
We are about to get back into our routines or at least try to. So what do you need to add to it?
If you can prioritize those three things, you will be amazed at how much better you will feel.