How We’re Training Through COVID-19


The coronavirus is creating worldwide panic, but we wanted to share some good news with you.

You’ve done everything you can to prepare yourself for a sickness. Strong, fit people are hard to bring down, and they bounce back fast.

First: You’ve taken care of yourself, you eat well and you’re tough as nails. Coronavirus is worried about you.

Second: Spring is coming. We’ll be able to get outside more regularly.

Third: We’re in close contact with a huge number of gym owners, and we’re learning from them so we can help you. Read on.

General Procedures

In the short term, please observe the following:

– First and foremost, do not come to the gym if you start to feel sick or show any symptoms of disease. If you feel ill but would still like to work out, email with a list of available equipment and space, and we’ll put something together for you. Please do not come to the gym if you are under the weather.

– Wash your hands regularly with lots of soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Scrub vigorously. Avoid touching your face.

– When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth with a tissue or an elbow rather than a hand. Wash you hands, use hand sanitizer.

– Clean off any equipment you’ve used. We’ll make sure potent disinfectant is on hand, along with paper towels. (If you have a surplus of disinfectant wipes or hand sanitizer at home you are willing to share, we would appreciate donations to the fitness cause!)

Long-Term Plans

Given the worldwide situation, there is the potential that gyms and other public spaces will be forced to shut down. We’ll listen for all info from the government and follow its procedures.

Should we be forced to shut down, we will not stop coaching or running training sessions. We will coach virtually. We take a lot of pride in being a lighthouse: We never go dark. And we want you to keep working out, even if the government won’t let you do it 1330 E State St.

We will continue to post workouts every day, and we’ll add detailed descriptions, as well as options using common household items. We will also use technology to connect with you and lead you through sessions. We’re up for the challenge.

Here’s what you can do to prepare for this possibility:

Go out and buy a kettlebell or a set of dumbbells. You can probably get something for about $100 or less. There are several places in town that carry weights, and there are tons of online retailers. Select a weight that you would use in a conditioning workout (25-, 35- and 55 lb. kettlebells are common, as are 20- and 40- lb. dumbbells). This will be your primary piece of at-home fitness equipment. Don’t worry: You can stay very fit with just one kettlebell or dumbbell.

If you wish, buy one heavy object and one lighter object. Maybe a few different ones. Get creative! Fill some jugs with water, a bucket with concrete, clean off that old tire in the garage, and so on.

Make a space where you can work out with “Sycamore CrossFit online.” It should be about 8 feet by 8 feet. Just don’t knock over plants or do a burpee on the dog’s tail.

Make sure you have a way to set up a phone or iPad so you can see and hear us during the online session.

High-five the Internet.

We hope there are no breaks in service at our gym, but if we are required to close, we will.

But we will not leave you high and dry. We’ll be offering the same enthusiasm, programming and energy over the Internet. You’re a person who works out. And we’re going to make sure that continues.


Coach Eric

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