Why did you choose Sycamore CrossFit?
The idea of CrossFit had been something I liked for many years going back to 2009 or 2010. After finishing pharmacy school I figured it was time to focus on my physical health with my new found free time.
Why do you keep coming back?
I keep coming back because just like Dillon said, “this place feels really special like a real family.”
What’s your best story about the gym?
The happiest I’ve ever been at the gym was watching Mal get her first muscle-up. I had nothing to do with it, but I was so dang proud of her.
What advice would you give to the person you were a year ago?
Buy stuff for a home gym COVID-19 is coming.
What accomplishment at the gym or in your nutrition are you the most proud of?
My very first Murph I had a very new group of friends that took me under their wing and every Sunday for 6 or 8 weeks we did Murph prep. I had a modest goal of under 1 hour vestless. With that prep I easily achieved the goal and it felt so good.
Check out this transformation! The photo on the left is Nathan when he first started with us. The photo on the right is him one year later.
We love seeing Nathan’s smiling face at Sycamore CrossFit! He has worked incredibly hard to improve his nutrition, fitness, and health, and the results are so impressive!