Why did you choose Sycamore CrossFit? Why do you keep coming back?
I chose Sycamore CrossFit because my then boyfriend (now husband) was a coach, when I moved in with him it was an easy decision on where I would be working out. I have continued to come to Sycamore CrossFit not only because it allows me to spend more time with Eric but because of the friendships that I have made with other member as well as the personal growth that I have seen.
What’s your best story about the gym?
My favorite story from the gym is when Eric and I found out that Nathan and Mallory had no idea we were already dating for their first few months at the gym. Apparently one day after a workout Eric was using the car buffer on my cramping lat (being more friendly than a coach /client relationship should be) Nathan and Mal saw this encounter, and on their way home they were cheering for Eric, hoping that it would turn into something more. They later told us this story after we had been engaged for a while and Nathan actually brought mentioned to it when he officiated our wedding last summer.
What advice would you give to the person you were a year ago?
Let yourself have fun! Don’t get hung up on a bad workout…it’s okay to feel off. You’re here to improve your overall health and mindset, not to worry about being perfect or always hitting the “Rx” button. It’s ok to not be good at something right away, things take time, so don’t be so hard on yourself. You will become stronger than you ever thought possible and build some confidence along the way.
What accomplishment at the gym or in your nutrition are you the most proud of?
One thing I am the most proud of is competing Murph with all strict pull-ups this year. Twice. And I PR’d by about 8 minutes the second time.