Athlete Spotlight – Emily O.

Why did you choose Sycamore CrossFit? Why do you keep coming back?

I chose Sycamore CrossFit because it was the only CrossFit box in the area! I’d recently moved back to DeKalb and had loved the sport since I started in 2011. After being a  member at three different places in two different states, I knew what sort of coaching style works for me, and the sort of environment I wanted to join. Thankfully, the one place in the area has proven to be absolutely top of the line. Every coach and every member bring something amazing to each class; these people are what make me excited to go to the gym every single day. That’s right, EXCITED TO GO TO THE GYM! 

What’s your best story about SCF?

My husband died unexpectedly on 6 March 2019. The next day, I went to the noon class like I would on any weekday. I just didn’t know what to do with myself. It was a Thursday during Friday Night Lights, so it was an easy “goat” day. I walked into the gym and the first person I saw was Coach Chris. He just walked up to me and gave me the biggest hug. It was exactly what I needed, and while I took a couple of weeks off after that day, that was the best I felt for a couple of months. And I knew that in my dark fog of existence, if I could just get myself to the gym, I would feel amazing (no matter how briefly) and be so happy I had worked out. 

What advice would you give the person you were a year ago?

Learn all you can to buckle down your nutrition. Sure, showing up to the gym regularly is no small feat, but starting out with a solid foundation of healthy nutrition makes all the difference in the world. And try to lift heavier more often!!

Check out this comparison photo of Emily in 2015 versus now! She has achieved amazing results through hard work and consistency. She has pushed herself both in the gym and in the kitchen by dialing in her nutrition!

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