Today’s Nutrition Achievement Spotlight is: Laura H.
Laura began our nutrition program in November of 2017 with a 28-Day Challenge, and she has continued the program ever since with impressive results! I mean, have you seen her lately?!
Laura had been eating healthy before joining our nutrition program, but she has found that the foods she is able to eat have changed, and being able to eat more carbs or have a treat here and there has helped her stick with the program. “The most important thing I’ve learned since starting the nutrition plan is BALANCE. I’ve come to realize that pasta and bread is OK! And essentially you need that most days…especially after a vigorous session at the gym. I used to stray away from carbs simply because they scared me. I think I associated them with weight gain (huh? yea, I don’t get it either). Staying within the 40/30/30 ratio has given me the freedom to eat out if necessary, or make an “unhealthy” decision if it fits within the plan.”
Like many of us, Laura found that to reach her goals of increasing muscle tone she actually had to eat more. It can be hard to wrap your mind around this with everything you hear surrounding “dieting.”
Laura has realized that it’s a journey, and she won’t get to her end goal immediately, but she is making amazing progress. “I may not be where I want to be yet, BUT I think I’ve come a long way just getting my mind wrapped around it all. What I thought was healthy before is not the norm for me any longer. I’m eating more and seeing not only physical results, but strength in numbers too!!”
Eating well doesn’t just make you look better, it also makes you feel better and increases your energy and strength. Laura is an amazing example of hard work, persistence, and dedication.
Thank you for sharing, Laura! You are crushing it!!!
Are you interested in help reaching your goals faster through nutrition?
Set up a free nutrition intro to see how we can help: Free Initial Nutrition Meeting