Athlete of the Week – Linda MacCulloch

Congratulations to Linda M, our Athlete of the Week! Linda came to us as an all cardio girl. She admits that she had no idea what she was missing by not lifting weights. Now she is loving it and using those skills in her daily life to help her be the best mama she can be. Not only did she adjust her workout style, but also her mindset from “I can’t” to “I can”. We are always excited to see an athlete’s mindset transform, since this opens doors to so many successes both inside and outside the gym! Linda is full of joy and ready to make progress in each class. We are always happy to see her walk in! Linda set personal records in May for her mile run and the month before in April for her bent over row. Her attitude and willingness to work hard are helping her reach her goals and we know she will keep achieving great things! So happy you are part of the SCF family Linda!


How would you explain your occupation to a 5 year old?

I have the best job in the world!  I’m a mommy to a wonderful little boy who fills my life with joy, dirty diapers and lots of fun adventures every day.  

How did you get started with CrossFit?

My husband Mac signed me up for my birthday. He had been doing it for a few years and pushed me to try it.  

How long have you been doing CrossFit?

Since 2015  

What are your hobbies and interests outside CrossFit?

I love going on walks and hiking! There’s nothing like fresh air on a beautiful day. Over the past year I’ve also really gotten into coloring books.

What is your fitness background?

Basically, I was the woman at the gym on the elliptical. Never lifted weights and only did cardio. I had no idea what I was missing out on.  

Short-term training goal?

Lift heavier and have fun doing it.

Long-term training goal?

As newer mom it’s to use all the tools the gym has available to help me be in the best shape of my life. My son is only going to get bigger and I need to be able to keep up with him!

What is your favorite movement?

Deadlifts and ring rows are my jam.

What is your least favorite movement?

Burpees. They are the death of me.

Proudest moment in CrossFit so far?

Actually, there was a mile run that I ended up PR’ing and didn’t realize it until I got home. It was shortly after returning from having my son and it made my day. I couldn’t believe it. I’m actually still in shock about it.

What was your biggest obstacle to starting CrossFit and how did you overcome that?

It was seeing the workouts and thinking that “I can’t” do it. It really was about changing my mindset to “ I can”. It’s ok if your ability to do the exact movement isn’t there yet, there are plenty of ways to modify it so you can still have a great workout. All you have to do is ask!

What kept you coming back?

The people and encouragement from everyone around you. The workouts are different every day and it keeps things exciting. I love that the coaches pay attention to you and the movements, they make the adjustments needed to help you perform at your best and are still able to push you to do better.

Your advice for someone considering starting CrossFit?

Go into it with an open mind. You’ll learn so much and you’ll be able to do things you had no idea your body could do! Also, it’s ok if you can’t do certain movements, the coaches will work with you so you can do them in a modified way!  

How has Sycamore CrossFit changed your life?

Where do I start? I can go to Costco and pick up a bag of kitty litter that is 40lbs and not struggle with it or have to ask for help! I’ve also met some really great friends since joining! It’s such a wonderful sense of community I’ve never had at any other place I’ve worked out.

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