Every week we will honor one athlete and recognize them as the Sycamore CrossFit Athlete of the Week. This athlete is one who is committed to CrossFit and to reaching their goals, as well as helping those around them become the strongest athlete they can be! This week we are happy to announce Tom K. as our Athlete of the Week. Tom is a regular and is committed to the process every time he steps into the gym. When we asked Tom what kept him coming back he answered, “The results I saw from the workouts right away kept me coming back. In two years I lost 6 inches off my waist and lost 15 to 20 pounds. The people at Sycamore CrossFit have become friends and are super supportive. I could not have gotten to where I have without them”. We are so glad he is getting great results in his health and fitness! Because Tom keeps showing up, he is has crushed 3 PRs in the last two weeks alone. He shaved 1:51 off his 1 mile run time for a PR of 8:29, added 15 lbs to his clean and jerk for a 1 rep max PR of 175, and took 7 seconds off his Fast and Furious Fitness for a PR of 11:49. Tom you are a testament to the idea that showing up gets results. Keep showing up! We love having you as part of the SCF family! And don’t worry Tom, non of us are as big of a deal as Chris Hunt. #goals
How would you explain your occupation to a 5 year old?
I design hand tools and supplies for electricians. My side business I run an online aquarium dry goods retailer and I raise clownfish for peoples aquariums. I’m not quite as big of a deal as Chris Hunt….
How did you get started with CrossFit?
I was sick and tired of my regular routine at the gym and felt like I was getting nowhere. I was bored during my workouts and it made me not want to go.
How long have you been doing CrossFit?
Since January 2016
What are your hobbies and interests outside CrossFit?
I love music especially heavy metal and go to 10 to 15 concerts a year. I love travelling and spend a lot of time in Colorado skiing and sightseeing. I’m a huge ice hockey fan. My biggest passion is aquariums. My hobby got so large I had to turn it into a side business.
What is your fitness background?
In high school I was pretty athletic and played all sorts of sports. I grew up playing soccer and baseball. I eventually started playing ice hockey and quit playing everything else competitively. I still play hockey on occasion now just not as much as I would like.
Short-term training goal?
I would like to get better at pull-ups and finally be able to do double unders consistently.
Long-term training goal?
I’d love to be able to get a muscle up and be able to climb a rope. It would be great to be able to do Murph RX.
What is your favorite movement?
I really like Olympic Weightlifting movements, especially clean and jerks and snatches. I do like rowing as well.
What is your least favorite movement?
Medicine ball cleans and wall balls are easily my least favorite. Running is a close second but I am starting to get better at it so I don’t dislike it as much as I did.
Proudest moment in CrossFit so far?
I had one month last year that I had 7 PR’s and was finally able to strict press over 135 after failing time after time. The first time I completed Murph was a big one as well.
What was your biggest obstacle to starting CrossFit and how did you overcome that?
My biggest obstacle was finally realizing I could not meet my fitness goals with my previous fitness routine. Once I decided to make the change I found the CrossFit gym and never looked back.
What kept you coming back?
The results I saw from the work outs right away kept me coming back. In two years I lost 6 inches off my waist and lost 15 to 20 pounds. The people at Sycamore CrossFit have become friends and are super supportive. I could not have gotten to where I have without them.
Your advice for someone considering starting CrossFit?
Try not to get intimidated and work out to your abilities. Be comfortable with yourself and follow a plan. Results will come as well as confidence. Just go for it and have fun.
How has Sycamore CrossFit changed your life?
It’s amazing how every day activities become easier. Simple things like getting off the floor or getting off of a couch become easier. I have become much more confident in myself and abilities due to CrossFit.