Sycamore CrossFit is excited to announce Ashley H. as this week’s much deserved Athlete of the Week! If you don’t know Ashley….maybe you should read your emails! Ashley has been a valuable part of the SYCF team for years and she does a great job of keeping us all in the loop with happenings and updates around the gym as well as about 12,000 other tasks (these are the “whatever Carl asks me to help with” tasks that are mentioned below) that get done behind the scenes. Basically there is nothing Ashley cannot do. Literally. Not only does she set the bar high when it comes to work, she also sets it high for her own personal fitness. This chick is small but mighty, and steps into each class with a determination to make progress towards her goals. She recently dialed in her nutrition and consistency since returning to workouts after having her sweet baby girl and absolutely crushed the nutrition program. If you didn’t see her results…maybe you should check Facebook more often! She was able to drop 6 lbs and 4% body fat, and add 2 lbs of lean muscle. Uh-mazing job Ashley! She is an incredibly determined athlete and when she sets a goal for herself, she isn’t afraid to put in the work it takes to make it happen, even if it means juggling 2 human babies, 1 goat baby and a farm life schedule. Ashley, you help SYCF in ways we cannot thank you enough for, and you show our athletes what hard work and commitment look like even when life gets crazy. Thanks for all you bring to SYCF!
How would you explain your occupation to a 5 year old?
I am a Mom!! I also help people sign up to work out at Sycamore CrossFit, and whatever else Carl asks me to help with.
How did you get started with CrossFit?
I was looking for a fitness routine to start, I knew I wouldn’t stick to anything less than a group setting, and I had driven by the gym 1000x so I decided to give it a shot!
How long have you been doing CrossFit?
5 1/2 years, with breaks for 2 kids
What are your hobbies and interests outside CrossFit?
I’m a mom….. CrossFit is basically my hobby!
What are your training goals?
Re-attain pull-ups, push ups…. and a few other things I “lost” during my most recent pregnancy/bedrest/working out sabbatical. I also want to master proper breathing technique and have it become “natural.”
What is your favorite movement?
It’s hard to pick a favorite. But I definitely enjoy barbell work the most.
What is your least favorite movement?
Distance rowing. Woof.
Proudest moment in CrossFit so far?
I participated in the 5 year anniversary in-house completion way back in 2016 and achieved a lot of things I didn’t expect to. My ultimate goal would be to hit that fitness level again.
What was your biggest obstacle to starting CrossFit and how did you overcome that?
I had a crazy work schedule when I first started, so I bounced around between morning, noon, and evening classes, depending on how my day was looking.
What kept you coming back?
The atmosphere! And I enjoy the varied workouts. I’m not a fan of doing the same thing over and over.
Your advice for someone considering starting CrossFit?
I really believe that this can be a good exercise program for almost anyone, so give it a shot! Your body is probably going to surprise you with the things it can do with the help of some good coaching.
How has CrossFit changed your life?
I’ve gained a new appreciation for my body and what it is capable of doing. I have also met some great people I probably never would have crossed paths with otherwise!